Date: 12/06/2020

In yesterday’s webinar, Kari Dunn Duron identified that when the actions we take to calm become predictable and habit-like, they form part of the calming sequence that help us to self-sooth.

Body mapping is a visual activity that may be useful for helping children and young people to recognise and understand big emotions like anxiety.

A key aim is to develop self-awareness of the physiological symptoms of anxiety (or any emotion) which may allow a greater opportunity to respond to the body’s warning signals. Body mapping begins with scanning the body to locate and identify where and how the individual experiences the emotion.

The body map can be used to visually represent specific signs and symptoms.

In the beginning, it is likely that you will need to remind the child or young person to try the body scanning activity when you notice their early symptoms of dysregulation.

It may be also be helpful to model using the visual support yourself.