Representation in books – Underdogs
The Centre has been highlighting the importance of representation for young autistic people.

Representation in books – Wired Differently
Today is World Book Day and the Centre has another great book by an autistic author to recommend.

Representation in books – A Day Kind of Spark
Today, the Centre is recommending another great read by an autistic author.

Representation in books – Wired Differently
Seeing other neurodivergent people achieving their dreams can be so impactful for young neurodivergent students.

Behind the Scenes
Last week Cat from our Research Department chatted to Dr Finbar Horgan for the Middletown Podcast.

Representation in books – A Day Without Words
Autistic young people who speak few or no words are rarely given positive representation in the media.

Representation in books – Some Like It Cold
We know that one of the ways to support people to feel positive about their autistic identity is through positive media representation.

Safer Internet Day
Today is Safer Internet Day

Children’s Mental Health Week
The Centre has created a resource for parents, educators and practitioners who hope to better understand and support positive mental health for autistic teenagers.

Children’s Mental Health Week
This week is Children's Mental Health Week

Icy Breaths
When the chaos of the school day is feeling a little overwhelming, it can be helpful to focus on how the body is responding.

I wish my teacher knew...
The novelty of being back at school has passed and, for some, worries may be creeping in.

Safer Internet - Webinar
We know that online communities and friendships can be very meaningful to all young people.

Asking for help
Many autistic students will be experiencing heightened anxiety this month as they try to settle back into the school routine following Winter break.

Breathing and Relaxation
Some children and young people may be feeling anxious about being back in a busy school environment after the holidays.

Social Narrative: Visiting friends & family
On the run up to Christmas we might take some visits to see family and friends. This change in routine might feel a little overwhelming for some family members.

Visitors at Christmas
Over Christmas we might have more visits from family & friends.

A Winter walk
At this time of year, there can be a lot of pressure to plan the “perfect Christmas”.