Happy World Autism Acceptance Day!
All month, the Centre's social media is focusing on neurodiversity.
Blood Test Social Story
Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown have created these visual supports to clarify what is expected when having a blood test.
Top Tips for Medical and Clinical Appointments
Visiting a hospital, health centre or other clinical setting can create anxiety for an autistic child or young person. It is an unfamiliar environment with new and unexpected senso...
How can an autistic person reduce the risk of burnout?
Yesterday we shared ideas on how family and friends can support the autistic person to prevent burnout.
How can friends and family reduce autistic burnout?
The Centre has shared information over the last few days on what autistic burnout is and what can cause it.
Autistic burnout
Last week the Centre shared a resource from NAS on Autistic Fatigue, sometimes referred to as burnout.
Anxiety Based School Avoidance
The Centre is again sharing this excellent resource from Strive NI.
Autistic fatigue- a guide for autistic adults
There is increasing recognition of autistic burnout, caused by a number of factors including persistent dysregulation and anxiety, masking, frequent sensory overload and constant s...
Calm breathing exercises
Calm breathing is a powerful emotional regulation tool for some people.
Coping with anxiety
Emotional wellbeing depends on individual preferences: what is calming for one person, may not be calming for another.
Individualised 5 point scales
The 5-point scale, developed by Kari Dunn Buron, is a popular resource for supporting the understanding and communication of emotions.
After school restraint collapse
Returning home after school is often a period of acute dysregulation.
Body map
This month the Centre’s social media pages will focus on the topic of emotional regulation.
A winter sensory walk
If your family is feeling the need for some fresh air and exercise, these checklists will provide structure and motivation for a winter walk.
Research Bulletin 39: Lego and Pets
The Centre is delighted to launch its latest Research Bulletin, this time on the topic of Lego and Pets.
Pet Podcast
Pet owners gain a huge amount of joy from their pets.
Communicating emotions
Communicating emotions can be complex for many autistic children and young people.
Mental Health Awareness Day
Following on from #MentalHealthAwarenessDay we’ve gathered together some resources that you can use to support and strengthen the mental health of the young autistic people in your...