Date: 08/02/2021

Some autistic children and young people may have a restricted diet in which they eat the same meals very day, or eat a very limited range of food.

The reasons for this can be complex, but one factor may be a preference for the predictable routine of eating the same meals each day.  In addition, they may not understand the importance of eating a varied diet.  Explaining the purpose of eating a broader diet in clear and visual terms may motivate some to broaden their food repertoire.  This social narrative will suit the “Why?” thinkers who like to have a concrete reason for making changes.  

The accompanying worksheet will support children and young people in researching why different nutrients are important, which may again motivate them to broaden their diets. 

Please note that this resource is best suited to those who can understand more complex concepts.  Also note that it may not be suitable for those with significant sensory sensitivities around food as these sensory responses need to be addressed before diets can be expanded.   


Social narrative

Dinner plate

Nutrient worksheet