Event summary


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Scoil Maelruain Junior and Senior National Schools,, Tallaght, Dublin

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Autism and Reframing Behaviour

This training will introduce participants to the ongoing paradigm shift in understanding behaviour from a physiological perspective, drawing on research from neuroscience, psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology. It will encourage participants to pause and reflect on their current beliefs and reactions to the behavioural differences presenting within their autistic students. Participants will be supported to consider behavioural differences that are authentic to the autistic student and their invaluable role in maintaining joy in their lives. Furthermore, participants will be supported to understand the underlying factors contributing to distressed behaviours, and how supporting professionals can help.

Specific topics will include:

  • Understanding the ongoing paradigm shift in how we think about behaviour.
  • Factors that contribute to distressed behaviour for an autistic student.
  • Recognising the significance of neuroception and a sense of "felt safety" in promoting emotional regulation.

Participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of the ongoing paradigm shift in how we think about "behaviour" presenting in our autistic children.
  • To support participants to recognise their inner biases, judgements and beliefs that may be impacting upon how they support an autistic children in distress.


Scoil Maelruain Junior and Senior National Schools,
Old Bawn Avenue,
D24 T854
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Susan Keery

Susan Keery

Susan Keery is an Autism Trainer/Advisor at Middletown Centre for Autism.
Susan brings with her over 20 years' experience supporting autistic children, adolescents and adults across both health and education sectors. Specifically supporting autistic individuals with individualised, person-centred, home programmes, and school support; as well as providing training and ongoing support to parents and professionals.
Susan holds degrees at undergraduate and master's level; and is currently working on her PhD within the school of Social Sciences, Education and Social work (QUB). Susan's research is focused on social anxiety in the autistic community with special interest in subsequent impact on school absences. Her research aims to reduce barriers to accessing support by using immersive technology. Susan is passionate about her research and practice being directed by the lived experience of the autistic community.

Event summary


Start Time

End Time

Scoil Maelruain Junior and Senior National Schools, , Tallaght , Dublin

Register now to book

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