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Lisanally Special School, Armagh, Armagh

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Autism, the Special School and Sensory Processing

Many autistic children and young people have differences in how they process the sensory stimuli in the world around them. Children and young people who presents with additional learning needs may experience more challenges with how they perceive and respond to sensory input. This course is designed to look specifically at the sensory processing needs of autistic children and young people with other complex learning needs, such as communication difficulties, physical or sensory difficulties, attention difficulties and medical needs.

Participants will:

  • Understand the concept of sensory processing and how this relates to participation in daily activities.
  • Appreciate how sensory processing differences can affect the child or young person at home, in school and in other settings.
  • Acknowledge the importance of identifying the potential sensory function of a behaviour.
  • Gain knowledge about supportive practice, which can address the sensory processing needs of the children and young people with additional and complex learning needs at home, in school and in other settings.


Lisanally Special School
85 Lisanally Lane
BT61 7HF
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Jill McCanney

Jill McCanney

Jill McCanney is an Autism Trainer/Advisor and Autism Specialist Occupational Therapist in Middletown Centre for Autism. She has Postgraduate qualifications in Sensory Integration, including SIPT registration, and has been a tutor on the Sensory Integration MSc course. She also holds a Master’s in Clinical Research. Jill worked in Special Schools for over seven years prior to commencement of her current post. She has extensive experience in the assessment of sensory motor difficulties and in the development and provision of intervention programmes for autistic students.

Event summary


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End Time

Lisanally Special School , Armagh , Armagh

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