Event summary


Start Time

End Time

St. Patrick’s Primary School, Enniskillen, Fermanagh


Autism, Understanding Anxiety and Reframing Behaviour

This training course will help parents and education professionals understand the stresses autistic children and young people experience, particularly within the Primary School environment.  We will introduce participants to the ongoing paradigm shift in understanding behaviour from a physiological perspective, drawing on research from neuroscience, psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology.

It will encourage participants to pause and reflect on their current beliefs and reactions to the behavioural differences presenting within their autistic students while discussing the external environmental demands and stress experienced by many autistic children which can contribute to anxiety experiences


St. Patrick’s Primary School
47 Creamery Road, Derrygonnelly,
BT93 6FZ
Get Directions

Frances O'Neill

Frances O'Neill

Frances O’Neill is an Autism Trainer/Advisor in Middletown Centre for Autism. Frances has worked in Special, Post Primary and Further Education settings. She holds Post Graduate Certificates and Diplomas in Education and an MSc in Autism.

Event summary


Start Time

End Time

St. Patrick’s Primary School , Enniskillen , Fermanagh
