Event summary


Start Time

End Time

Middletown Centre for Autism, Middletown, Armagh


Positive Behaviour Support has been effective in helping children overcome serious challenging behaviour at home and in the classroom.

It usually involves strategies for managing the child’s level of arousal, building rapport, sequencing and organising tasks and requests, facilitating communication and motivating the child.

Recent research has indicated that regular mindfulness practice allows us to become more open to the possibilities of support that each moment allows.

This workshop introduces five key strategies in behaviour support, and allows teachers and parents to sample some mindfulness practices that help put these strategies into practice.


Middletown Centre for Autism
35 Church Street
BT60 4HZ
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Brian McClean

Dr Brian McClean is a Clinical Psychologist working with Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.
His doctoral thesis was on the outcomes of Positive Behaviour Support for 138 people with autism and intellectual disabilities.
In 1994, he established The Callan Institute for Behaviour Support as a national training and consultation agency. He went on to establish the first community-based behaviour support team in Ireland in County Roscommon.
He has supervised the development of over 1,000 multi-element behaviour support plans, and has published his research in international journals.
He currently lectures in Clinical Psychology at University College Dublin and in Applied Behaviour Analysis at the National University of Ireland Galway.

Event summary


Start Time

End Time

Middletown Centre for Autism , Middletown , Armagh
